Well, the first company I worked for here in the Valley is about to be bought. Feels kind of neat to know that I helped get it where it is. At the same time, I got the distinct pleasure of giving the CEO a giant middle finger. The guy came in, didn’t learn a single name in all of engineering, gave drab speeches at company meetings, and had no visible effect on operations. The only benefit to having him show up was the little hubub it created when he was hired (big name, woo-hoo). After that, he just fired some good people, and hired a few buddies. What a dud. What CEO looks at the ground when walking the halls?! Now, after a whole lot of nothing, he has the balls to include a line item on the merger to accelerate the vesting of his giant pile of shares. Come in, do nothing, fire my friends, arrange a merger, and then ask stockholders to grant you $10 million in options for free? Kiss my ass, Mr. Ariko.